Vindeltorn. Fra Norge til USA og hjem igjen. Et internasjonalt fantasy-eventyr - allerede før utgivelse spådd klassikerstatus, og sammenliknet med de største innen sjangeren. Noe er galt i det gamle huset familien til Lin har leid, det er hun sikker på. Klokkene tikker for sakte. Rosebedet er dekket av rim, selv i øsende regnvær. Og når en mystisk nøkkel merket «Vindeltorn» dukker opp, finner Lin en sprekk i kjellerveggen. En portal til en verden ved navn Sylver. I dette snødekte riket bor alle døde dyr som en gang har elsket et barn. Lin blir til sin store glede gjenforent med Rufus, kjæledyret hun begravde under rosebusken. Men sammen må de finne den forsvunne Vinterfyrsten hvis de skal redde Sylver fra undergang. De er ikke de eneste som jakter på gutten denne natten. I mørket lurer en mann med skyggemunn, klar til å sette klørne i den aller siste Vinterfyrste. Sitrende spenning og uforglemmelige rollefigurer venter leserne i dette magiske eventyret som utvilsomt vil bli en klassiker. Fullkommen fantasy ... Alt klaffer i denne fantasyboka, som både har originalitet, spenning og et virkelig godt språk. - Cathrine Krøger, Dagbladet (Les hele anmeldelsen.) Elementer av klassisk fantasy vakkert vevd sammen til en debutroman som vil trollbinde leserne med sitt rike plott og sin detaljerte verden. - Kirkus (starred review) Varm og stolt som et eventyr fra Narnia - og like spennende som Harry Potter! Lucy og Hermione har fått en original og sprell levende norsk kusine! - Tor Åge Bringsværd Denne boken er ren magi. Jeg vil flytte inn i den. - Laini Taylor, forfatter av Ønskemesterens datter Denne debutromanen kombinerer Narnias sjarm med gnistrende trollaction. Jeg har aldri lest noe lignende, og håper Tone Almhjell skriver mange flere bøker jeg kan forelske meg i. - Erin Bow, forfatter av Plain Kate The Independent: If you buy only one, my children's book of the year is The Twistrose Key, a dazzling debut by Norwegian writer, Tone Almhjell (Little Brown, £10.99). She has created the stunning wintery world of Sylver, peopled by human-sized creatures who were all formerly pets. Our heroine, Lin, manages to get into the world using a key marked "Twistrose", and is reunited with her much missed pet vole, Rufus. The book has a Narnia-esque feel and possesses the plot, pace and dash of a classic. New York Journal of Books: "Nearly every creature who lives here was once loved by a child of Earth, and loved the child in return. That bond was so strong that when the animals died, they woke up here in Sylver to live a second life." This quote so aptly captures the magical wonder of The Twistrose Key, the debut novel by Tone Almhiell. If you've ever loved a pet that has passed on, and are willing to partake of more than a little adventure, this jewel of a story will capture your heart and your imagination. Eleven-year-old Lin Rosenquist discovers a mysterious key when an unexpected parcel arrives to her home. She immediately connects with it and wouldn't you know it, it opens the door of the cellar that's been locked ever since her family moved into their rented home. Hidden behind that cellar door lies Sylver, a world that is more amazing than even the creative mind of Lin Rosenquist can dream up. And what makes it the most amazing of all, is the discovery that her beloved Rufus is there. He's the pet she lost in death and lies buried under the rosebush in the yard . . . or so Lin thought! Now Rufus and Lin must join forces to save the inhabitants of Sylver, but saying it won't be easy is an understatement. Malicious forces are doing everything in their power to see that they don't succeed. Can Lin fulfill her destiny and conquer the evil that threatens to overwhelm her, dearest Rufus and her new compatriots? You'll have to enter the majestic, magical world of Sylver to find out. And a magical world it truly is. The author exhibits a rich and fertile imagination, an ability to enchant both young and old. Age is no impediment to enjoying this story. The tale is as crisp and zesty as the cold and crystalline environ in which it is set. Readers should take their time and read with care to fully grasp and decipher the fresh mythology of the land of Sylver. It'll leave you gasping, laughing, and maybe shedding a tear or two. Enjoy! Reviewer June Goodwin, LCSW, is a clinician and educator, currently counseling children classified as emotionally disturbed. She is also a member of The Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators. Everyone should read this book. By Hakon Soreide on October 18, 2013Format: Kindle EditionUsually I don't finish books within 24 hours of getting them, but as this was quite a page-turner, it also turned out to be an exception. Tone has simply written an amazing debut novel that has got all the elements right. I have read my fair share of novels, in the fantasy genre and otherwise, but seldom, if ever, have I read a book with as tight and well-honed a plot as this. It seems that...
Forfattere: Tone Almhjell | Utgave: 1 utg. |
Språk: Norsk (Bokmål) | Sidetall: 342 |
ISBN: 9788205458598 | Vekt: 490 g |
Forlag: Gyldendal Norsk Forlag AS | Innbinding: Innbundet |
Utgitt: 2013 | Veil. pris: 299 kr |
Kategori: Romaner junior |