Modern Britain: developments in contemporary British society
Modern Britain: developments in contemporary British society. Modern Britain is primarily aimed at Scandinavian students of English and students engaged in the study of the cultures and histories of the British Isles. It may be used as a set text for foundation and Bachelor level students of British culture, civilisation, history and social sciences. Important topics: The Union and British identities Social cohesion Politics Britain in the world Multicultural Britain ]]>
Forfattere: Jan Erik Mustad, Ulla Rahbek, Jørgen Sevaldsen, Ole Vadmand | Utgave: 1 utg. |
Språk: Engelsk | Sidetall: 145 |
ISBN: 9788202350611 | Vekt: 340 g |
Forlag: Cappelen Damm AS | Innbinding: Heftet |
Utgitt: 2012 | Veil. pris: 379 kr |
Kategori: Samfunnsvitenskapelige fag |
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