Making solidarity work? 9788200376798  Brukte bøker

Making solidarity work?

Aschehoug & Co

  • 420 kr

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Making solidarity work?. Is an oil-dependent, egalitarian labour market model viable within the modern global economy? In terms of economic performance, employment rates, and labour market flexibility, Norway has done better than most OECD countries. The question for the future, however, is whether the Norwegian model can combine the virtue of distributive justice and soaring oil revenues with diversified demands for adequate services, productive innovation, competiveness, and meaningful work. With references.

Forfattere: Utgave: 1 utg.
Språk: Engelsk Sidetall: 377
ISBN: 9788200376798 Vekt: 546 g
Forlag: Aschehoug & Co Innbinding: Heftet
Utgitt: 1997 Veil. pris: 833 kr
Kategori: Samfunnsvitenskapelige fag

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