101 villmarkstips 9788292708378 Lars Monsen Brukte bøker

101 villmarkstips

Larsforlaget AS

  • 299 kr

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101 villmarkstips. A new, revised version of the highly popular 101 Villmarkstips (2006), with new material focusing on topics such as headlamps and dog sled racing. This book contains all the most important tips and tricks for ensuring a more successful outdoor trip, whether relating to equipment, clothing, footwear, orienteering, camping practice, fire tips, cooking or fishing. The book comes in a practical handbook format, making it the perfect accompaniment whilst out and about.

Forfattere: Lars Monsen Utgave: 1 utg.
Språk: Norsk (Bokmål) Sidetall: 135
ISBN: 9788292708378 Vekt: 244 g
Forlag: Larsforlaget AS Innbinding: Innbundet
Utgitt: 2013 Veil. pris: 199 kr
Kategori: Natur, friluftsliv, sport

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