The Xenophobe's guide to the Norwegians

The Xenophobe's guide to the Norwegians

SD Books

  • 99 kr

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The Xenophobe's guide to the Norwegians. The Norwegian man-hug is more a show of strength than a greeting and is usually a painful experience for the smaller of the two. There is nothing more important to Norwegians than enjoying the great outdoors. Happily, they have a lot of outdoors to enjoy. Foreigners brought up with the belief that relaxing involves lounging on the sofa may find leisure time in Norway challenging. What makes the Norwegians Norwegian? A witty guide to the views and values that shows why their way is the Norway.

Forfattere: Dan Elloway Utgave: 3 utg.
Språk: Engelsk Sidetall: 96
ISBN: 9781906042431 Vekt: 90 g
Forlag: SD Books Innbinding: Heftet
Utgitt: 2016 Veil. pris: 99 kr
Kategori: Sakprosa på originalspråket, voksen
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