The woman in black

The woman in black

Bokbasen metadata tilleggsprodukt

  • 99 kr

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The woman in black. Arthur Kipps, a junior solicitor, is summoned to attend the funeral of Mrs Alice Drablow, the sole inhabitant of Eel Marsh House. The house stands at the end of a causeway, wreathed in fog and mystery, but it is not until he glimpses a wasted young woman, dressed all in black, at the funeral, that a creeping sense of unease begins to take hold, a feeling deepened by the reluctance of the locals to talk of the woman in black - and her terrible purpose.

Forfattere: Susan Hill Utgave: 1 utg.
Språk: Engelsk Sidetall: 160
ISBN: 9780099288473 Vekt: 149 g
Forlag: Bokbasen metadata tilleggsprodukt Innbinding: Heftet
Utgitt: 1998 Veil. pris: 0 kr
Kategori: Diverse
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