The social guidebook to Norway
The social guidebook to Norway. The Social Guidebook to Norway is an entertaining tool that bridges cultures. Norwegians will learn how their behaviours may be perceived while foreigners will fast forward their adaptation by increasing their understanding of Norwegians. This guidebook provides an outsider view on Norwegian social behaviours and takes you through an illustrated Norwegian journey with 75 colourful illustrations and explanations. The author is known for his popular lectures about Norwegians and his appearance on the Norwegian TV show NRK Lindmo. Julien is educated as a rocket scientist and lived in six countries. The first version of this book was published in 2014 and became a great success with more than 25 000 copies sold.This guidebook is not about typical Norwegian behaviours, it is about behaviours that are peculiar to Norwegians. The book has its own popular blog:
Forfattere: Julien S. Bourrelle | Utgave: 3 utg. |
Språk: Engelsk | Sidetall: 171 |
ISBN: 9788293622017 | Vekt: 449 g |
Forlag: Mondå AS | Innbinding: Innbundet |
Utgitt: 2017 | Veil. pris: 269 kr |
Kategori: Samfunn, historie |