Station eleven 9781447268970 Emily St. John Mandel Brukte bøker

Station eleven

SD Books

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Station eleven. What was lost in the collapse: almost everything, almost everyone, but there is still such beauty.One snowy night in Toronto famous actor Arthur Leander dies on stage whilst performing the role of a lifetime. That same evening a deadly virus touches down in North America. The world will never be the same again. Twenty years later Kirsten, an actress in the Travelling Symphony, performs Shakespeare in the settlements that have grown up since the collapse. But then her newly hopeful world is threatened. If civilization was lost, what would you preserve? And how far would you go to protect it?

Forfattere: Emily St. John Mandel Utgave: 1 utg.
Språk: Engelsk Sidetall: 333
ISBN: 9781447268970 Vekt: 250 g
Forlag: SD Books Innbinding: Heftet
Utgitt: 2015 Veil. pris: 169 kr
Kategori: Skjønnlitteratur på originalspråket, voksen

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