Oxford advanced learner's dictionary of current English

Oxford advanced learner's dictionary of current English

Vigmostad & Bjørke AS (VB Import)

  • 199 kr

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Oxford advanced learner's dictionary of current English. The dictionary includes 183.500 British and American words, phrases and meanings, 85000 examples, 7000 synonyms and opposites, 2000 words illustrated, and 2000 new words.

Forfattere: A.S. Hornby Utgave: 7 utg.
Språk: Engelsk Sidetall: 1944
ISBN: 9780194316064 Vekt: 1462 g
Forlag: Vigmostad & Bjørke AS (VB Import) Innbinding: Heftet
Utgitt: 2005 Veil. pris: 299 kr
Kategori: Fagbøker for profesjonsmarkedet
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