

SD Books

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Night. A woman murdered in a church in Norway.A collection of photographs on an oil rig in the North Sea.A young boy in a picturesque Austrian village.The three clues that suggest a serial killer has returned . . . Detective Kirsten Nigaard believes the signs point to none other than Julian Hirtmann, a serial murderer on the run. She turns to Toulouse cop Martin Servaz, who has a painful personal history with Hirtmann. Servaz hunted the elusive killer for many years until the trail went cold. Now they have a chance to bring him to justice at last. But soon the pair find themselves in a terrifying cat-and-mouse chase, not knowing who is chasing whom, and which of them might pay the ultimate price.

Forfattere: Bernard Minier Utgave: 1 utg.
Språk: Engelsk Sidetall: 376
ISBN: 9781473678163 Vekt: 270 g
Forlag: SD Books Innbinding: Heftet
Utgitt: 2019 Veil. pris: 169 kr
Kategori: Krim og spenning på originalspråket, voksen
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