Maestra 9781785762727 L.S. Hilton Brukte bøker


SD Books

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Maestra. Judith Rashleigh works as an assistant in a prestigious London auction house, but her dreams of breaking into the art world have been gradually dulled by the blunt forces of snobbery and corruption. To make ends meet she moonlights as a hostess in one of the West End's less salubrious bars. When she stumbles across a conspiracy at her auction house, she is fired before she can expose the fraud. In desperation, she accepts an offer from one of the bar's clients to accompany him to the French Riviera. But when an ill advised attempt to slip him sedatives has momentous consequences she finds herself fleeing for her life...

Forfattere: L.S. Hilton Utgave: 1 utg.
Språk: Engelsk Sidetall: 0
ISBN: 9781785762727 Vekt: 220 g
Forlag: SD Books Innbinding: Heftet
Utgitt: 2016 Veil. pris: 129 kr
Kategori: Krim og spenning på originalspråket, voksen

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