Life 3.0 9780141981802 Max Tegmark Brukte bøker

Life 3.0

SD Books

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Life 3.0. AI is the future - but what will that future look like? Will superhuman intelligence be our slave, or become our god? Taking us to the heart of the latest thinking about AI, Max Tegmark, the MIT professor whose work has helped mainstream research on how to keep AI beneficial, separates myths from reality, utopias from dystopias, to explore the next phase of our existence

Forfattere: Max Tegmark Utgave: 1 utg.
Språk: Engelsk Sidetall: 384
ISBN: 9780141981802 Vekt: 285 g
Forlag: SD Books Innbinding: Heftet
Utgitt: 2018 Veil. pris: 179 kr
Kategori: Sakprosa på originalspråket, voksen

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