Learning and Discovery for Professional Educators
Learning and Discovery for Professional Educators: Guides, Counselors, Teachers : an Interactive Experiential Approach to Practice and Research. This book presents counsellor education from a post-modern relational perspective. The relationally-oriented counsellor takes the attitude that in the meeting between counsellor and client lie opportunities for learning and discovery by both participants. The question of self-insight is taken up and discussed in regard to the relation between the professional and personal. The counselling meeting is understood as inherently relational and mutual in which both counsellor and client are open to discovery. The book explores key aspects of relational counselling including a chapter on research in that perspective.Eleanor Allgood is associate professor in the Department of Education, NTNU. Originally from Canada, she worked in education and counselling for 25 years where she held both teaching and leadership positions. Since 1994 she has been a teacher and researcher in counselling and guidance at NTNU. Her research interests are specially focussed on subjective experience, relational and aesthetic aspects of counselling and guidance practice.Ragnvald Kvalsund is associate professor in the Department of education, NTNU. In his doctoral dissertation of 1998 he developed a theory of the person in which he explored developmental aspects of human relationships. He has worked in the counselling and guidance field for 18 years. Group process with special focus on the relational dimension is a significant research area for him. Recently he has expanded his research field to include leadership and coaching.
Forfattere: Ragnvald Kvalsund, Eleanor Allgood | Utgave: ukjent |
Språk: Engelsk | Sidetall: 172 |
ISBN: 9788251919739 | Vekt: 34 g |
Forlag: Tapir akademisk forlag | Innbinding: Heftet |
Utgitt: 2004 | Veil. pris: 0 kr |
Kategori: Bøker |