Into the ice 9788205361850  Brukte bøker

Into the ice

Gyldendal Norsk Forlag AS

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Into the ice. This is a presentation of Norwegian polar history. This book takes its readers on the legendary polar journeys with Fridtjof Nansen, Roald Amundsen and Otto Sverdrup. In addition, the reader can follow the daring, pioneering expeditions by air, as well as modern polar expeditions. The book also shows how Norwegians seeked economic profit, how hunters pursued adventure in the wilderness and how Artic sea sought out ever new hunting grounds. With bibliography and index. This book is a revised edition of Norsk polarhistorie. Bd. 1-3, 2004.

Forfattere: Utgave: 2 utg.
Språk: Engelsk Sidetall: 557
ISBN: 9788205361850 Vekt: 1815 g
Forlag: Gyldendal Norsk Forlag AS Innbinding: Innbundet
Utgitt: 2006 Veil. pris: 499 kr
Kategori: Samfunn, historie

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