Global justice - the white man's burden?
Global justice - the white man's burden? : essays on development and justice in honor of Øystein Tveter. The White Man's burden? has brought together contributions by people from four continents, best described by Archbishop Tutu, ?to bring justice in a globalised world". One common denominator is that they all come from pens that, in some way or other, have been encouraged by the work of the Karibu Foundation and its secretary Øystein Tveter during the last 20 years. The international South Group Network supported by an impressive list of long time friends and associates have been looking at challenges posed by present day economic globalisation, and their visions as civil society actors. The burning issues presented will undoubtedly be of interest to anyone grappling to understand the present state of the world: the injustices and suffering, once detected, seems as blatant as it is unacceptable. But it also offers analyses, potentials and promises pressing on from below, from these people's organisations and bodies world wide. Long time Zambian president Kenneth Kaunda sums it up, bringing history into vision, saying: ?Our warnings have become truths. Our fears have become reality. Will our promises still be ridiculed?" Among the many prominent voices in the book, two names stand out: President Kenneth Kaunda served as his country Zambia's first president for 27 years. Called the Gandhi of Africa, he was the first African president to willingly leave his office due to democratic elections. He is currently campaigning for the cause of aids-afflicted African children. There is also a greeting from Archbishop Desmond Tutu who has been a life long fighter for human rights in his country. The archbishop is known in particular for his work as a leader of the Truth and Reconciliation process in South Africa's first post apartheid years, and was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1984. He has since confirmed his role as a leading symbol of the struggle for justice and peace world wide. Alejandro Bendaña is director of Centre for International Studies (CEI), Managua, Nica...
Forfattere: | Utgave: 1 utg. |
Språk: Engelsk | Sidetall: 159 |
ISBN: 9788245005134 | Vekt: 466 g |
Forlag: Fagbokforlaget | Innbinding: Innbundet |
Utgitt: 2007 | Veil. pris: 309 kr |