Fresh water for flowers

Fresh water for flowers

SD Books

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Fresh water for flowers. Her daily life is lived to the rhythms of the hilarious and touching confidences of random visitors and her colleagues-three gravediggers, three groundskeepers, and a priest. Violette's routine is disrupted one day by the arrival of police chief Julien Seul, wishing to deposit his mother's ashes on the gravesite of a complete stranger.Julien is not the only one to guard a painful secret: his mother's story of clandestine love breaks through Violette's carefully constructed defences to reveal the tragic loss of her daughter, and her steely determination to find out who is responsible. The funny, moving, intimately told story of a woman who believes obstinately in happiness, Fresh Water for Flowers brings out the exceptional and the poetic in the ordinary. A delightful, atmospheric, absorbing tale. What readers are saying: "I'd read this book over and over again"

Forfattere: Valérie Perrin Utgave: 1 utg.
Språk: Engelsk Sidetall: 304
ISBN: 9781787703117 Vekt: 322 g
Forlag: SD Books Innbinding: Heftet
Utgitt: 2021 Veil. pris: 159 kr
Kategori: Skjønnlitteratur på originalspråket, voksen
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