Ethnicity and Democracy in Africa
Ethnicity and Democracy in Africa. The politics of identity and ethnicity are resurgent. Civil society, whose revival was much vaunted, was riven by communal tensions particularly of ethnicity and religion. The contributors address questions such as: Why is ethnicity a political problem? How is the problem manifested? Which institutional models offer ways of ameliorating the challenges that ethnicity poses to democratic nation-building? North America: Ohio U Press
Forfattere: | Utgave: ukjent |
Språk: Engelsk | Sidetall: 352 |
ISBN: 9780852558607 | Vekt: 635 g |
Forlag: | Innbinding: Heftet |
Utgitt: 2004 | Veil. pris: 0 kr |
Kategori: Sosiologi |