Essential Cell Biology [With W/CDROM]

Essential Cell Biology [With W/CDROM]

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Essential Cell Biology [With W/CDROM]. Essential Cell Biology, Second Edition is concise and accessible enough for a non-specialist to read and digest. Building on the success of the first edition the new text includes brand new "How We Know" sections in every chapter. They describe how experimental science is done and where knowledge came from. At every stage the student and lecturer are supported by ECB2 Interactive CD and the extensive ancillary package. Features: - The authors - known worldwide for their research , teaching, writing and leadership in science education. - The text - reflects the accuracy, authority and currency of the renowned Molecular Biology of the Cell , but written for newcomers to cell biology. - The art programme - emphasizes central concepts without unnecessary detail. - Questions interspersed throughout each chapter test students' understanding and stimulate curiosity (all questions answered in the back of the book). - Concept headings descriptively introduce each section. - Panels review techniques, principles, pathways and many more topics. - Highlighted key terms in text are listed at the end of each chapter. - Detailed, illustrated glossary expanded in this edition.- "Essential Concepts" review at the end of the chapter. - Detailed index makes everything quickly accessible. New to the Second Edition: - Brand new "How We Know" sections in every chapter describe how experimental science is done with classical and current experiments. - Two completely new chapters "How Genes and Genomes Evolve" and "Genetics, Meiosis and the Molecular Basis of Heredity". - New emphasis on a genomic approach throughout the text. - Contains more on topics of lively public interest, such as stem cells and cloning. - Consolidates molecular biology in contiguous chapters. - An improved and greatly expanded Essential Cell Biology 2 (ECB2) Interactive is included with every copy of the book. The CD-ROM contains videos, animations, molecular movies and high-resolution electron micrographs. Each chapter of the book concludes with a list of corresponding multimedia from ECB2 Interactive .

Forfattere: Bruce Alberts, Julian Lewis, Karen Hopkin, Peter Walter, Alexander Johnson, Keith Roberts, Dennis Bray, Martin Raff Utgave: ukjent
Språk: Engelsk Sidetall: 896
ISBN: 9780815334811 Vekt: 970 g
Forlag: Innbinding: Heftet
Utgitt: 2004 Veil. pris: 0 kr
Kategori: Bøker


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