Digital HR

Digital HR

Bokbasen metadata tilleggsprodukt

  • 190 kr

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Digital HR. It's an exciting time to be in HR as scores of technologies, such as Watson, AI, predictive modeling, real-time data analytics, HR shared service centers, and others are being implemented at a rapid pace by HR leaders around the world every day. Digital HR expertly addresses the revolutionary trends and disruptive echnologies to provide HR executives, managers, specialists, generalists, and students with a comprehensive and evidence-based guide to current technologies that enhance, enable, revitalize, and empower Human Resources. With practical insight, real-world case studies, tips and tools, recommendations, and additional resources, Waddill guides readers through each of the major technologies and addresses vital strategic and implementation issues.

Forfattere: Deborah DeWolfe Waddill Utgave: 1 utg.
Språk: Engelsk Sidetall: 272
ISBN: 9781586445423 Vekt: 449 g
Forlag: Bokbasen metadata tilleggsprodukt Innbinding: Heftet
Utgitt: 2018 Veil. pris: 0 kr
Kategori: Diverse
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