Culinaria. NATIONAL & REGIONAL CUISINE. Culinaria France invites the reader to a culinary journey through this paradise for gourmets. Take a look at Paris top gastronomy, learn about the origins of rural cuisine, breathe the air of Provence, and peek into the nets of France s fishermen on the northern coasts. Lavishly illustrated with wonderful photographs, this volume provides a living portrait of French specialties and whets the appetite for culinary pleasures a la francaise.".
Forfattere: André Dominé | Utgave: ukjent |
Språk: Engelsk | Sidetall: 0 |
ISBN: 9783829020190 | Vekt: 970 g |
Forlag: | Innbinding: |
Utgitt: 1999 | Veil. pris: 0 kr |
Kategori: French,Cookery |