Cognitive Neuroscience 4e ISE 9780393922288 Michael S. Gazzaniga Brukte bøker

Cognitive Neuroscience 4e ISE

WW Norton

  • 290 kr

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Cognitive Neuroscience 4e ISE. The first textbook for the course, and still the market leader, Cognitive Neuroscience has been thoroughly refreshed, rethought, and reorganized to enhance students' and instructors' experience. A stunning, all new art program conveys data and concepts clearly, and new chapter-opening Anatomical Orientation figures help students get their bearings. The table of contents and the chapters themselves have been reorganized to improve the logical flow of the narrative, and the world renowned author team has kept the book fully up to date on the latest research in this fast moving field.

Forfattere: Michael S. Gazzaniga Utgave: ukjent
Språk: Engelsk Sidetall: 752
ISBN: 9780393922288 Vekt: 1480 g
Forlag: WW Norton Innbinding: Heftet
Utgitt: 2013 Veil. pris: 0 kr
Kategori: Bøker


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