An Introduction to Islam

An Introduction to Islam

Cambridge University Press

  • 175 kr

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An Introduction to Islam. This wide-ranging account of the history and theology of one of the world’s most dynamic religions tells the story of Islamic beliefs and practices as they developed from the earliest times down to the present day. For this revised and updated Second Edition, David Waines has added a long section tackling head-on the issues arising from Islam’s place in the changing world order at the turn of the new millennium. The wars in Bosnia, Afghanistan and Israel, and the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington, have raised global awareness of Islam at a superficial level - but little has been written which considers Islamic political and military extremism in relation to mainstream Muslim history and theology. Coming at the end of a book which has explored the ideas and traditions of Islam in depth, this new section offers thought-provoking reflections on the place of religion in the current conflicts.

Forfattere: David Waines Utgave: 2 utg.
Språk: Engelsk Sidetall: 368
ISBN: 9780521539067 Vekt: 635 g
Forlag: Cambridge University Press Innbinding: Heftet
Utgitt: 2003 Veil. pris: 0 kr
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