About a boy

About a boy

SD Books

  • 99 kr

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About a boy. Will is thirty-six but acts like a teenager. Single, child-free and still feeling cool, he reads the right magazines, goes to the right clubs and knows which trainers to wear. He's also discovered a great way to score with women at single parents' groups, full of available (and grateful) mothers, all waiting for Mr Nice Guy. That's where he meets Marcus, the oldest twelve-year-old in the world. Marcus is a bit strange: he listens to Joni Mitchell and Mozart, he looks after his Mum and he's never even owned a pair of trainers. Perhaps if Will can teach Marcus to be a kid, Marcus can help Will to grow up and they can both start to act their age.

Forfattere: Nick Hornby Utgave: 1 utg.
Språk: Engelsk Sidetall: 307
ISBN: 9780140285673 Vekt: 180 g
Forlag: SD Books Innbinding: Heftet
Utgitt: 2016 Veil. pris: 99 kr
Kategori: Skjønnlitteratur på originalspråket, voksen
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