BOKIA.NO - Brukte bøker
Bøker med variert og spesialisert innhold for studier og profesjonell bruk.
Denial of the soul
Count Karlstein
An officer and a spy
A heartbreaking work of staggering genius ; Mistakes we knew we were making : notes, corrections, clarifications, apologies, addenda
25th hour
Traditional country style
The tomb of Hercules
Peeling the onion
Ender's game
Encyclopaedia anatomica
The likeness
The Afghan campaign
Lords of the bow
I heard that song before
Dead man's footsteps
Darkly dreaming Dexter
Bones of the hills
To cut a long story short
The woman who went to bed for a year
The wolf of Wall street
The white boy shuffle
The system of the world
The other side of the story
The Ionian mission
The independence of Miss Mary Bennett
The hours
Tales of the unexpected
Stormy weather
Skin tight
Postcard killers
Pigeon English
H.M.S Surprise
Great expectations
Generation X
Disarming Iraq
Act of treason
Various pets alive and dead
Two for the dough
Total recall
The weed that strings the hangman's bag
The valley of horses
The talented Mr Ripley
Sold Out