An Introduction to Human Resource Management Paperback with Interactive eBook

An Introduction to Human Resource Management

  • 349 kr

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An Introduction to Human Resource Management. Reflecting the global nature of the workplace with its use of real world examples and case studies, the book goes beyond a prescriptive approach in the practice of strategic HRM, and offers a concise introduction that encourages critical reflection. The NEW fourth edition includes: Discussions on employee engagement, the role and benefits of social media, and the impact of culture and global mobility. The latest surveys and research and recent case studies and examples from a cross section industries and global companies, such as Zurich Insurance, Uber, Deloitte

Forfattere: Wilton Nick Utgave: 4. utg
Språk: Engelsk Sidetall: 0
ISBN: 9781526487933 Vekt: 970 g
Forlag: Innbinding: Heftet
Utgitt: 2019 Veil. pris: 0 kr
Kategori: Bøker
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