Understanding Media Economics

Understanding Media Economics

Sage Publications

  • 240 kr

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Understanding Media Economics. 'This book provides an extremely well written and informative introduction to the subject of media economics, characterized by clarity in the explanation of concepts or frameworks and by a balanced discussion for the respective positions in areas of debate' - Paul MacDonald, Roehampton Institute Understanding Media Economics provides a clear, precise introduction to the key economic concepts and issues affecting the media. The book: explains the fundamental concepts relevant to the study of media economics; considers the key industrial questions facing the media industries today; relates economic theory to business practice; covers a wide range of media activity - advertising, television, film, print media, and new media; and looks at the impact of economics on public policy. Understanding Media Economics offers a stimulating perspective on the contemporary media environment. This book will be an essential purchase for all students of the media and mass communication.

Forfattere: Gillian Doyle Utgave: ukjent
Språk: Engelsk Sidetall: 184
ISBN: 9780761968757 Vekt: 332 g
Forlag: Sage Publications Innbinding: Heftet
Utgitt: 2002 Veil. pris: 0 kr
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