Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone (barn pocket A)

Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone (barn pocket A)

Vigmostad & Bjørke AS (VB Import)

  • 99 kr

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Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone (barn pocket A). Harry Potter thinks he is an ordinary boy - until he is rescued by a beetle-eyed giant of a man, enrols at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, learns to play Quidditch and does battle in a deadly duel. The Reason:HARRY POTTER IS A WIZARD!

Forfattere: J.K. Rowling Utgave: 1 utg.
Språk: Engelsk Sidetall: 332
ISBN: 9780747549550 Vekt: 192 g
Forlag: Vigmostad & Bjørke AS (VB Import) Innbinding: Heftet
Utgitt: 2000 Veil. pris: 99 kr
Kategori: Diverse
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